Tour pribatuak bizikletaz
Utzi gure gidariei hiria erakusten!
Bizikletako Tourrak
Bizikleta Alokairua
Go further with our E-bikes!
Bizikleta Alokairua
Small Group Bike Tours
Discover the best places in Bilbao. Max. 10 people per Guide
Bizikletako Tourrak
Bizikleta Alokairua
Enjoy Bilbao with our great Classic Bike
Bizikleta Alokairua
Ezagutu Bilbo bizikletaz egiten ditugun ibilbideekin

Tourrak bizikletaz Bilbon!

Ready for an unforgettable adventure? Our guided bike tours are the perfect way to explore the heart of Bilbao, uncover hidden gems, and experience the city from a whole new perspective. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a local looking to rediscover Bilbao, our tours offer something for everyone!

Why Choose Our Bike Tours?

  • Explore Iconic Landmarks: Pedal through Bilbao’s most famous spots, including the stunning Guggenheim Museum, the historic Old Town, and the picturesque riverbanks.
  • Expert Local Guides: Our passionate and knowledgeable guides will share fascinating stories and insights that bring Bilbao’s rich culture and history to life.
  • Tailored for All Levels: Whether you’re a casual rider or a seasoned cyclist, our tours are designed to be enjoyable for everyone, with routes that are relaxing yet captivating.
  • Sustainable Adventure: Embrace eco-friendly travel and see the city in a way that’s kind to the environment.

What to Expect:

  • Iraupena: 2 to 4 hours of fun, exploration, and learning.
  • Family-Friendly: Perfect for families, groups, or solo adventurers.
  • Bike & Gear Included: Comfortable bikes and all the gear you need for a smooth ride.
bilbao small gorup bike tour
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Small Group Bike Tour

Bilboko onena

Join our small group bike tour in Bilbao for a 2-hour adventure, where you'll explore the city's most iconic sights with a personal, expert guide, ensuring an intimate and unforgettable experience!


Bilboko onena

Experience Bilbao like never before with our exclusive 2-hour private bike tour, tailored to your interests and guided by a local expert for a personalized adventure through the city.

Foodies & Bikes

Join our unique pintxo bike tour in Bilbao, where you'll cycle through the city's vibrant neighborhoods, stopping at local bars to taste the best pintxos and immerse yourself in Basque culinary culture.

Bilbao & Getxo

Embark on an exciting bike tour from Bilbao to Getxo. You'll enjoy scenic coastal views, charming neighborhoods, and the stunning beauty of the Basque coast.

Bilbao & Guggenheim

Explore Bilbao on our bike tour, discovering the city's vibrant history and stunning architecture. The tour includes a visit to the iconic Guggenheim Museum

Gure zerbitzuak

Bizikleten alokairua Bilbon

bike rent

Erreserba erraz eta azkarra

Erreserbatu gure zerbitzuetariko bat: Bisita gidatuak bizikletan, Bizita gidatuak oinez edo Bizikleta Alokairua 3 klik’ekin prest, ¡inoiz ez da hain erraza izan!

location bilbao

Kokapen onena

Aurki gaitzazu Bilboko erdigunean, Guggenheim Museotik 100 metrora, Juan de Ajuriaguerra kalean, 21. Irisgarritasun erraza.


Bizikleta bereziak

Our bikes are comfortable, easy to ride, and perfect for exploring the city. Enjoy a smooth and fun cycling experience

variety bikes

Bizikleta sorta

Vintage estiloko, bizikleta berezi eta dotoreak eskaintzen ditugu. Klasikoa, elektrikoa eta haurrentzako bertsioak ditugu. Horrez gain, bizikleta familiarra ere badugu.

Aukeratu gehien komeni zaizun bizikleta

Alokatu Zure Bizikleta!

Bizikleta klasikoak

Our classic bikes are perfect for relaxed rides, offering comfort and style as you explore Bilbao at your own pace.

Electric Bikes

Our electric bikes combine power and convenience, making it effortless to explore Bilbao and beyond.

Kids Bikes

Our kids' bikes are safe, durable, and designed for fun, making them perfect for young adventurers exploring Bilbao.

Family Bikes

Our family bike is perfect for shared adventures, offering a safe, comfortable, and fun way to explore Bilbao together.

Mountain Bikes

Our mountain bikes are built for adventure, offering durability and performance to tackle Bilbao's trails and beyond.

Road Bikes

Our road bikes are lightweight and fast, ideal for cycling enthusiasts looking to explore Bilbao and its surroundings with speed and style.
Esploratu hiria oinez gure ibilbide pribatuekin

Bisita gidatuak oinez Bilbon

Ezagutu Bilboko hiri zirraragarriainoiz ez bezela, leku enblematikoenetatik oinez pasatuz.

Utzi gure gidei denboran zehar bidai batera eramaten Bilboko historia eta eraldaketen berri emanez.

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bike rental in Bilbao
bike tours
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Bilke: Your Gateway to Exploring Bilbao on Two Wheels

Bilke Bilbaori buruz

At Bilke, we’re passionate about helping you discover Bilbao in the most enjoyable and sustainable way—by bike! Located in the heart of the city, we offer a wide range of top-quality bicycles for rent, from classic city bikes to modern e-bikes, as well as guided tours designed to showcase Bilbao’s charm and beauty.

Whether you’re a visitor eager to explore iconic landmarks like the Guggenheim Museum or a local looking for a fun outdoor activity, Bilke provides the perfect ride and personalized service to make every journey unforgettable.

Discover Bilbao with us—one pedal at a time!

Bizikleta Alokairua eta Tourrak Bilbo erdialdean

Ongi etorri Bilboko gure bilgunera, Juan de Ajuriaguerra kaleko 21. zenbakian dagoena, Guggenheim Museo ospetsutik 100 metrora.

Gure topalekuan, bizikleta hartu eta itzul dezakezuz gain, gure tokiko aditu adituekin harremanetan jartzeko aukera ere izango duzu. Gustura lagunduko dizute zure bizikleta-ibilaldia antolatzen eta Bilboko erakargarri nagusiak ezagutarazten.

Elkartu gurekin eta deskubritu hiri zoragarri honek eskaintzeko duen guztia!




Thursday to Sunday

09:30 – 17:30

Self-return service is available till 22.00hrs





09:30 – 17:30

Self-return service is available till 22.00hrs


Jarri gurekin harremanetan gaur zure hurrengo Tourra erreserbatzeko

Gure webgunetik zuzenean erreserba dezakezu, baina edozein kontsulta egin aurretik gurekin harremanetan jarri behar baduzu, pozik lagunduko dizugu.